Curriculum approach
The aim is for our Bath House children to be confident, resilient, joyful and communicative learners, and we are committed to ensuring every child can engage in meaningful learning experiences.
We follow the EYFS guidelines, and broad approach which is appropriate for each age group at the setting, and that creates a desire and curiosity to explore and learn.
Personal Social and Emotional Development at Bath House, is about:
- having a sense of confidence and positive self esteem
- promoting and developing independence, and collaborative skills
- self-awareness and expression of feelings, developing empathy & care
- developing the ability to concentrate & fostering perseverance
- developing an understanding of fairness and right and wrong
- respecting, valuing and celebrating others
- providing ample opportunity for conversation, developing self-expression, independence, speaking and listening skills, and a broad vocabulary
- using language to articulate thinking, with time for sustained interactions with peers and adults
- fostering an enjoyment of rhyme and alliteration
- developing children’s awareness of written communication in the environment (signs, labels, names, etc)
- showing interest in and understanding of language via requests, conversation, stories and songs, and awareness of other languages.
- supporting children to challenge themselves, and be aware of risks
- developing an understanding of the importance of physical exercise
- developing an awareness of what constitutes a healthy life style, including healthy eating, rest and relaxation
- developing children's fine motor skills and dexterity, e.g. feeding, dressing, mark-making, handling equipment, writing
- developing gross motor actions, with many opportunities for physical play both indoors and out, on bikes, slides, via games and expressive movement.
- being exposed to, and enjoying, rich, exciting and challenging literature
- practitioners using varied and expressive vocabulary in meaningful contexts, re-telling familiar stories and singing new and familiar songs.
- developing children's early writing skills through meaningful and relevant experiences, e.g. personal stories, poems, shopping lists, post cards
- practitioners scribing children's text/making their own books
- engaging with parents/carers to share stories/books at home
- showing children that Maths is fun, creative, and part of our everyday lives, through real and meaningful experiences
- promoting enjoyment in counting and recording, both objects and actions, and developing an ability to recognise numbers in the environment
- building children's awareness of everyday language relating to time, position and money, through play and daily activities
- fostering a curiosity and confidence in solving simple calculations, without pressure or a fear of making mistakes
- developing children's ability to recognise some 2D and 3D shapes
- encouraging children to be curious, ask questions and investigate the world we live in, including nature, materials, wildlife, and communities
- having an understanding of time and place including such terms as ‘a long time ago’, and knowing about the local environment
- developing an interest in the lives of others, different cultures, environments, languages, jobs and ways of life
- understanding the importance of caring for the environment, developing an awareness of ‘waste’, recycling through ‘junk modelling ‘ and re-filling soap bottles
- learning about ICT and technology, such as using a CD player and researching information from a computer or Ipad
- developing an understanding and respect for different faiths and cultures
- providing high quality creative experiences for children to foster both their cognitive and creative skills through music, dance, drama, art, pattern-making, construction, clay, and all manner of materials & media.
- promoting imaginative play as a means of not only enabling children to make sense of their world but also to develop their own imagination
- recognising that creativity is important in nurturing children's expressive and cognitive skills, as well as their individuality and self-confidence